Monday, November 30, 2009

Artfire Jewelry Design and Jewelry Supply Guild

Artfire Jewelry Design and Jewelry Supply Guild

I think I am going to have to close down my Artfire. I paid 7.99 for a year and not one sale. I didn't mind it for a while because I liked talking to people there. You can get pretty lost in Etsy. Zibbet is to new to get much traffic. And I think I will concentrate more on my art instead of jewelry. I love doing both. But I spend more on jewelry supplies. I really am not a business person. I just like the creative end. And I couldn't go to shows or fairs and have a booth because I am to socially challenged. Very much an introvert. Now if someone could do all that for me I would be just fine. But I have no volunteers. It could be because I want someone who will do it for a prayer and a handshake.